Digital Mouse is a modern digital printing house with its creative team in graphic design.
Our company highly values the newest technologies, has a proffessional staff, as well as a policy of constant reinvestment into business development and innovation. We are one of the leading printing houses in Latvia.
Our main principles of work are:
• high quality
• competitive prices
• excellent service
Advertising agency always offers the technically best solutions in combination with perfectly executed work.
Our high added value.
We advice to print digital print advertising materials not only with CMYK and white papers, but also work with colored design papers and print with white, silver, gold, neon or transparent varnish.
Our printing press puts the emphasis on the most advanced digital printing equipment in the printing industry.
GO GREEN ! Recycle and print on.
Digital Mouse prefers to live green.
We are concerned about environmental problems therefore we advice to choose to print on certified or recycled paper.
Zero Waste: we believe that responsibility about the environment is is shared among everyone - from person to business.
Foršs uzņēmums ar atsaucīgu, ļoti izpalīdzīgu un galvenais kompetentu personālu. Ne vienu reizi vien Digitālā Pele ir "glābusi mūsu ādu" :D Paldies, par visu, ko esat mūsu labā darījuši. Paldies Jūsu vadītājiem, par spēju uzturēt motivāciju savos darbiniekos. Paldies, ka varam uz Jums paļauties ;)
Gribu teikt lielu paldies par foršo, draudzīgo attieksmi, individualitāti un darba kvalitāti!
Gribu teikt MILZIIGO PPALDIES par padariito darbu!! Viss bija padariits lajkaa, pat neskatoties uz to, ka komandaj bija daudz darba. Pats galvenais, ka pasutiijums bija izpildiits tieshi taa, kaa biju idomaajis. Ipashs paldies Dacei Sauliitei.
Kompliments Jums par sadarbību un pakalpojuma sniegšanās ātrumu! Lieliska komunikācija.Nepieciešamības gadījumā, vērsīsimies pie Jums atkārtoti, jo esiet ieinteresēti, lai klients justos apmierināts .
Digital mouse LTD company provide excellent service for map printing during ESOC, WJSOC, WMSOC. Design of the maps and their quality were very good.And service was possible 24 hours at event place. It was great to work with representative of the company Edgars Sparans, who was very helpful and cooperative.
Stock company “Latvijas Zaļais punkts” is the oldest and most experienced organization whose primary goal is to promote environmental responsibility among manufacturers. The company sorts and recycles used packaging, worn-out electrical devices and other discarded products that are harmful for the environment. As part of its strategy, “Latvijas Zaļais punkts” has established a program to promote the involvement of society and enterpreneurs. To this end it regularly places orders with Digital Mouse Ltd to print recycling posters, as well as stickers for dividend garbage containers, flyers and forms.
Pateicamies par sadarbību! Esam ļoti priecīgi par gala rezultātu. Paldies Jūsu kolēģim Edgaram Sparānam un grafiskajai dizainerei, maketētājai Santai Timinskai par pacietību un sapratni!
I have order some full print t-shirt and the printing quality is just stunning, incredibly sharp and high resolution!
As one of Finland’s top exporters of log houses it's very important for us to have high quality advertising materials. Digital mouse has proven to be a great partner. Good customer service, knowledge of different materials and excellent prints are a proof of their reliability. We have ordered many brochures and business cards and have been pleased every occasion.
My cards have arrived, yay! I am so pleased with them all, can really recommend printing with Digital Mouse!
Ātri, rūpīgi, ar individuālu attieksmi. Uzvarēja cenu aptaujā par bukletu iespiešanu. Paldies, paldies, paldies! :)
I have been cooperating with "Digitālā pele" Ltd. for a long time. It is gratifying that throughout these years, the attitude, quality, speed and affordable price policy have remained at an excellent level. Special thanks to the project manager Renāte for perfect cooperation and to the whole team for constructive ideas and efficiency.
Kvalitatīvi, precīzi, vienmēr laikā un par lielisku cenu. Atsaucīga komanda - īpašs paldies Andrim Kalniņam!
Mūsu uzņēmums saka Paldies! Paldies par rūpīgo, ātro un kvalitatīvo darbu, bet galveno kārt paldies par radošumu, izpalīdzību un sapratni! Patiess prieks, ka Jūs nekad nesakat : "Nē, mēs nevaram", bet gan - "Varam piedāvāt šādu variantu!".
Radoša, atraktīva un uzticama komanda, kas vienmēr saviem klientiem nodrošinās lielisku kvalitāti par teicamu cenu, draudzīgu un pretimnākošu attieksmi.
Prieks sadarboties, paveica vajadzīgo ātrāk nekā pat tika cerēts. Iesaku visiem, kuri vēlas radīt kaut ko personalizētu, sagatavot ko īpašu. Paldies par laipnumu!