Usually the pad consists of:
The pad's block is made of offset paper 80g 50-100p. For the base and cover, a 300g carton is used.
We also offer notepad production from recycled paper!
Glued notepad without covers:
A6 (105x148mm) glued notebook, base 300g carton;
Notebook pages from 90g offset paper, printing 2+0 (two pantone):
Amount pcs. |
pad with 50 pages/ Price EUR |
Pad with 100 pages/ Price EUR |
100 | 160 | 210 |
200 | 208 | 287 |
500 | 315 | 490 |
1000 | 460 | 798 |
A5 (148x210mm) glued notebook, base 300g carton;
Notebook pages from 90g offset paper, printing 2+0 (two pantone):
Amount pcs. |
Pad with 50 pages/ Price EUR |
100 | 196 |
200 | 273 |
500 | 469 |
1000 | 770 |
A4 (210x297мм) glued notebook, base 300g carton;
Notebook pages from 90g offset paper, printing 2+0 (two pantone):
Amount pcs. |
Pad with 50 pages/ Price EUR |
100 | 252 |
200 | 378 |
500 | 485 |
1000 | 715 |
Spiral notebook:
Spiralled A5 (148x210mm) pad, cover and base 300g carton,
Cover printing 4+0 (full color print);
Pad pages from 90g recycled dotted offset paper:
Amount pcs. |
Pad with 50 pages/ Price EUR |
Pad with 100 pages/ Price EUR |
100 | 257 | 295 |
200 | 349 | 420 |
500 | 595 | 810 |
1000 | 966 | 1299 |
Stapled black & white squared or lined notebooks:
A5 (148x210mm) size stapled black and white squared or line notebook.
Cover 170g gloss or matt paper, cover printing 4+0 (full colour);
Notebook pages from 90g offset paper, printing 1+1 (black and white):
Amount pcs. |
Exercise book with 16pp/ Price EUR |
Exercise book with 48pp/ Price EUR |
100 | 183 | 216 |
200 | 242 | 323 |
500 | 390 | 408 |
1000 | 440 | 590 |
* All prices are given in EURO without VAT.
Laba kvalitāte, ātrs serviss un laba cena! Paldies!
Kompliments Jums par sadarbību un pakalpojuma sniegšanās ātrumu! Lieliska komunikācija.Nepieciešamības gadījumā, vērsīsimies pie Jums atkārtoti, jo esiet ieinteresēti, lai klients justos apmierināts .
Gribu teikt MILZIIGO PPALDIES par padariito darbu!! Viss bija padariits lajkaa, pat neskatoties uz to, ka komandaj bija daudz darba. Pats galvenais, ka pasutiijums bija izpildiits tieshi taa, kaa biju idomaajis. Ipashs paldies Dacei Sauliitei.
SIA "Digitālā Pele" speciālisti ir atsaucīgi un vienmēr sniedz konsultācijas mūs interesējošos jautājumos. Uzņēmuma darbinieki ir pretim nākoši, ar vēlmi meklēt risinājumus nestandarta situācijās. Līdzšinējās sadarbības periodā SIA "Digitālā Pele" sevi ir pierādījusi kā drošu partneri, kas veic uzticētos darbus augstā kvalitātē un norunātajos termiņos.
Digital mouse LTD company provide excellent service for map printing during ESOC, WJSOC, WMSOC. Design of the maps and their quality were very good.And service was possible 24 hours at event place. It was great to work with representative of the company Edgars Sparans, who was very helpful and cooperative.
Digital Mouse Ltd has repeatedly proven through constant cooperation with us that it can find the most suitable service, convenient in terms of execution, which takes the overall best approach – even in non-standard situations. Digital Mouse LTd delivers high quality at a reasonable price and is a strong competitor in its field.
Vienmēr kvalitatīvi izpildīts darbs, liels prieks strādāt ar atsaucīgiem profesionāļiem. Īpašs paldies Renātei Ieviņai!
Ļoti ātrs un kvalitatīvs darbs. Darba izpilde vienas dienas laikā. Atsaucīgi darbinieki. Prieks bija sadarboties. Liels Jums Paldies!!!!
I´m swedish editor and also responsible for publisher of O-boken, a swedish annual yerabook about orienteering all over the world. We hade cooperate with Digitala Mouse ltd since printing of O-boken 2009 in Latvia and is very satisfied with almost everything in our contacts. The printing of O-boken includes almost all types of graphic formats. And we think Digitala Mouse is one of the best map-printers in the world and that they can handle all types of printing. The printquality in the last O-boken 2014 is very close to perfect. Johnny Fransson, Ärla 13/1-2015
My cards have arrived, yay! I am so pleased with them all, can really recommend printing with Digital Mouse!
Radoša, atraktīva un uzticama komanda, kas vienmēr saviem klientiem nodrošinās lielisku kvalitāti par teicamu cenu, draudzīgu un pretimnākošu attieksmi.
Lielisks uzņēmums, radošs ar profesionālu kolektīvu, laicīgām atbildēm! Patīk ka vienmēr tiek atrasts risinājums problēmām, nodrošinot pasūtījumus ar augstu kvalitāti!
Stock company “Latvijas Zaļais punkts” is the oldest and most experienced organization whose primary goal is to promote environmental responsibility among manufacturers. The company sorts and recycles used packaging, worn-out electrical devices and other discarded products that are harmful for the environment. As part of its strategy, “Latvijas Zaļais punkts” has established a program to promote the involvement of society and enterpreneurs. To this end it regularly places orders with Digital Mouse Ltd to print recycling posters, as well as stickers for dividend garbage containers, flyers and forms.
I find that the customer service at Digitala Pele is exceptional. They are quick to answer any questions, provide a quote or update on existing orders. They will work with you to ensure you get the product that you are requiring in a timely fashion. I have ordered a variety of souvenirs. Items such as mugs, flasks, water bottles, and Bluetooth speakers. I have had no issues with the design layout or quality of product. They were produced and delivered in a quick professional manor. As well I have ordered a selection of their printed clothing. On one of my orders there was a slight flaw with the logo transfer. When it was noticed they were quick retrieve the flawed product and replace. They also keep you informed if there is a delay in production for any reason. I gladly continue my business transactions with this company and highly recommend their services.
Digital Mouse Ltd is very easy to work with and they also give fast answer in emails and on skype when I need support or price for a new project. Printing is done with best quality and delivery time have never been a problem, even if the company is placed on the other side of Östersjön. I´m very happy to co-operate with Digitalmouse and will for sure print more works at their company in the future.
I have been cooperating with "Digitālā pele" Ltd. for a long time. It is gratifying that throughout these years, the attitude, quality, speed and affordable price policy have remained at an excellent level. Special thanks to the project manager Renāte for perfect cooperation and to the whole team for constructive ideas and efficiency.